
Jonas Brothers-Summer Romance (Episode 32)

(RECAP) (go up and turn on the TV and weather channels) announcer WARNING WARNING! It is a Tornado Warning! Estimated time to arrival: 30 minutes! Please evacuate! Please evacuate! Heather-What?? Heather-Joe can not let us! We have no car! Heather-Mom and Dad are not here to drive us and I only have a motorcycle! Nick-What shall we do? Heather-We have no basement! (Amber goes to the window) Amber-The sky has already darkened!Heather-Okay. Listen to me! Amber, I wish you and Nick, in the kitchen and look for flashlights and batteries, Nick and Amber go-Okay! (They rush to bottom) Heather, Amanda, Kevin, I want you to go into my parents room and get tons of blankets! As much as possible! Amanda-Alright! (They run in their parents' room) Heather-Joe like, I go into the kitchen under the sink, there is a cooler. Stack a lot of food there. If something happens, we will not starve. And I amGo down the stairs to get Leon! Joe-Who's Leon? Heather-My Baby rabitt! Now hurry! (You get the supplies and hasten back) Heather-everything in this bag! (You fill everything in the bag) Heather-Well, we have the lowest part of the house, the stairs will go down, and under my table. If something we fall on our heads, so the table would shield us. Hurry up! (The rush down the stairs and under the table cover theirseleves in blankets and Amanda runs to the window) Amanda-It isOur ...

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