
the explosion song

also in the Paris phone I live in a small suburb, and I have no cables to hold me, and I got more stories than any phone in the city and I hate to spend all my time to my daily job transfer conversations I used to dream a great escape, but that all changed when they were an American girl that you know what a friend of the family go eight or nineteen not much action in the brain, and I saw my chance to make my weekend, She spent her nights curled up on camethe floor in a sleeping bag 20 feet from the door they have a wake-up call was from her husband and the taxi in the early morning darkness I my plan well it was bound for London, Amsterdam and Spain hoped the continent aircraft carried by plane, I was suffer somewhat in their meeting Vera Bradley bag that I have to wait couldnt through security a breeze i the world from the sky I see, I wouldnt of jet-lag have, because I actually got a window seat to take in the view its amazing things that aCordless phone can welll back home with my cradle a woman in the kind of guy, but me and a nice headset is the mile high we were together somehow, when the plane hit a snag Oh, how I loved it in the bag, Vera Bradley bag that! we bout half on the floor i couldnt wait for eleven to see great old Ben, we took a double-decker they have just one fare paid, that I didn't know Dippy broad nor was there the adventures we had to go, could be over days but your singer is scaredthat ...

Cheap lcd toshiba

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